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What happens when something happens

New book about nuclear energy


What happens when something happens

Helmuth Böck | Michael Gerstmayr | Eileen Radde


The nucleardisaster in Fukushima shocked the world tremendously. The call to pull out of nuclear energy is getting louder – and more often than not by politicians trying to lure the favour of voters.

Fact is that to date, no comprehensive or internationally relevant publications about the actual happenings in Fukushima exist.  However, through the media there are half-truths and false information floating about the global consequences of the disaster and sensational prognoses for the future, all of which are in turn unsettling for the general public.  Are the opposers to nuclear energy playing with the fear of the public or is the threat real?

In this book, the former reactor manager of the Research ReactorattheVienna University Technology/ Atominstitut, a.o.Prof. DI Dr. Helmuth Böck as well as his colleagues DI Eileen Radde und DI Michael Gerstmayr and other employees, go through the case based on the reasons. They tell, in a captivating manner – authenticated with examples and incidents not known by many – what the threat for the area actually looks like. They confront the level of truth in the frighting scenarios and inform about the situation in case of emergency. Furthermore, they examine factors that preceded the disaster and broach the subject of the incredible hunger for energy, which dominates the world and continues to drive the commercial use of nuclear energy.  Also the ghost of Tschernobyl and it´s aftermath, which has been dismissed from our minds, is re-examined basedon current knowledge.

Finally, the book tries to explain the situation in which we would find ourselves in the eventof a coremeltdown.  Also the common call for a complete withdrawal from nuclear energy is handled in a factual researcher´s manner : is it realistic for the world to abstain from using nuclear energy?  What would be the consequences for energy prices and would it be possible to minimize the C02 emissions in order to stop the threat of climate change? In this context, the alternatives for energy production also play a major role.

The book impresses with insider know-how, latest detailed knowledge, amazing facts and an entertaining narrative style. The book is available in German language.