For sustainable development...
Ror sustainable development...
For cleaner energy...
For more secure energy...


The European Agency for Energy Security (EAFES) is a non-governmental organization which connects experts from various professional areas who have a common interest in the secure and environmentally friendly supply of energy. These issues are not confined to policy alone, as the same importance must be given to economic and scientific factors. The key objectives are to understand the political relations between countries rich in energy resources and the consumer countries; trade relations, their infrastructure and address other economic and technical aspects; and finally to explore the scientific possibilities of developing new energy resources or improving the performance existing ones. Understanding all these complex issues requires strong collaboration between experts in all the relevant areas.
The main objective – developing secure and environmentally friendly energy supply – is achievable only by strong political will and constant scientific development Therefore, the core of the agency consists of experts from various areas with different focuses. The main activities of the agency are: improving communication between experts of different disciplines related to energy; conducting independent research; organizing meetings, conferences and workshops; and promoting informed debate on energy research, industry and policy.

Independent research:

EAFES publishes reports, studies and comments from internal and external experts in various areas related to energy on the EAFES web site ( EAFES provides a blog, which is open for the public to express any ideas related to energy. The blog is international and participation in any language is welcome and possible. EAFES is not influenced by any political affiliation or ideology.

Organization of meetings, conferences and workshops:

EAFES organizes international events (conferences, workshops etc.) related to energy. EAFES can also co-organize, promote or participate in events organized by partner or other organizations. All interesting forthcoming events are listed on the EAFES webpage.

Promoting informed debate on energy:

EAFES maintains strong collaborations between academia, industry and the non-governmental sector. EAFES organizes lectures and discussions with students and members of the public interested in the energy sector. EAFES disseminates its ideas through the media to provide the public with the information necessary for informed discussion.